£3.50 – £9.00
- 1 PINT – £3.50
- 3 PINT – £9.00 (Saving £1.50)
Single pints are packed in small sealed tubs
3 pints are are supplied in a strong, durable tub with lid
Super fresh maggot picked and packed to order for next day delivery. Our maggots are packed at the Maggot Farm so it simply doesn’t get any better. We post every Wednesday for Thursday delivery (APC/DPD). Extensive range of colours and mixes available. All 3 pint orders are super chilled and packed in opaque, square tubs. 1 pint orders are supplied in strong, durable, Double sealed food / freezer bags. Oxygen supplies are limited to make for a more comfortable transit experience for the maggot. During transit the maggot will be dormant and will need re-awakening on arrival, please do this as soon as possible on receipt of delivery, by releasing the maggot into a large tray or tub (the larger surface area you have the better). As the maggot takes on the fresh oxygen supply it will re-awaken as good as new. Once the maggots are awake please riddle any sawdust and add the complimentary maize meal included. If you have any questions please email me catchybait@outlook.com