- 1 week old – Dead Maggots
- 30 pints of Dead Maggots in total
- Mixture of different colours (Random – CAN’T be picked)
- All Maggots are bagged in 2 pints bags, however bigger bags could possibly be used
1 in stock
These DEAD MAGGOTS have been FROZEN from the previous week hence the discounted price.
Each Bundle Deal is £40 and will contain 30 pints of Mixed Maggots (£1.33 per pint) (PLEASE NOTE: The colours are RANDOM and CANNOT be picked as they have already been frozen “16 red / 14 white etc”
These Maggots will last another 12 weeks despite already been frozen for 1 week. Once they are needed please allow 24 hours to defrost then submerge in water. Please see the short video below;